Monday, September 1, 2008

Everybody Write!!

This is a new blogspot where the Hopper Family will post happenings and letters from Brad, our oldest son. We are incredibly proud of him and want all who are interested to know of his progress!
Please write to him often...he has told us (and his dad remembers) how much letters buoy him up and help him to stay strong.
His address is:

129 PFC Hopper Bradley
F Co 2-58 IN, ITB
9375 Conway Drive
Fort Benning, Georgia 31905-4926

Laurie Hopper

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In Barracks 10-5-08

Grandma Inman and Brad

Grandma Inman and Brad
Thanks for your support Grandma!

Family Photo

Family Photo
The Family at MEPS

Swearing In Day

Swearing In Day
The Swear In